The member board of the Celebrities jury includes the most famous and recognizable people of Ukraine — the stars, celebrities. They influence the formation of tastes and preferences of Ukrainians and they are the pride of the nation, role models and heroes of the younger generation. These persons reached the undoubted success in their own area of ​​activity that can adequately assess the successes and others. Such people are, without exaggeration, could be called as «experts on success», because each one of them is the successful person.

Celebrities Jury 2012 (52)
View “Olga Yunakova's” profile
Voted in 510 nominations.
View “Yaroslava's” profile
Gave vote in 385 nominations.
View “Olga Dudchak's” profile
Викладач кулінарії в телешоу «Від пацанки до панянки», шеф-кухар з міжнародним досвідом роботи
Rated the contestants in 244 nominations.
View “Lali's” profile
Freedom Jazz
Rated the contestants in 238 nominations.
View “Alexander Andryushchenko's” profile
Photographer, photojournalist
Rated the contestants in 160 nominations.
View “Slava Kolodyazhniy's” profile
SKmusic Production
SKmusic production
Voted in 153 nominations.
View “Olimpia Whitemustache's” profile
Телеведуча, модель, стиліст
Voted in 143 nominations.
View “Arthur Bosso's” profile
Singer, TV-host, showman
Gave vote in 139 nominations.
View “Katya Buzhinska's” profile
Voted in 136 nominations.
View “Nikita Dobrynin's” profile
TV and radio host
1+1 TV Studio
Voted in 105 nominations.
View “Anasthasia Malega's” profile
Freedom Jazz
Voted in 103 nominations.
View “Sasha Zhurba's” profile
Freedom Jazz
Voted in 103 nominations.
View “Ana Baston's” profile
Voted in 101 nominations.
Abstained in 5 of them.
View “Maria Litti's” profile
Voted in 85 nominations.
Abstained in 2 of them.
View “Vyacheslav Solomka's” profile
Actor and TV-host
Voted in 77 nominations.
Abstained in 15 of them.
View “Yuriy Gorbunov's” profile
Шоумен, телеведучий
Voted in 71 nominations.
Abstained in 17 of them.
View “Dima Kadnay's” profile
Singer, musician
Gave vote in 48 nominations.
View “Tatyana Chebrova's” profile
Tatyana Chebrova is the artist and the researcher of colors, the member of Ukrainian association of art Therapy. She also is the member of the socially-ecological art group «Strontium’90». Ta Chebrova is founder of the art-style Tralfrealism as Tran
Voted in 40 nominations.
View “Anna Zavalskaya's” profile
Singer, songwriter, TV-leader
Rated the contestants in 54 nominations.
View “Bogdana Lomaka's” profile
Радіоведуча на радіо Люкс FM
Rated the contestants in 31 nominations.
View “Karina Plai's” profile
Voted in 32 nominations.
View “Natalia (Natti) Pugachova's” profile
Voted in 24 nominations.
View “Olena Musienko's” profile
Actress, TV-hostess, model
Voted in 23 nominations.
View “Vlad Tsvetaev's” profile
Gave vote in 21 nominations.
View “Tala Kalatay's” profile
Actress and TV-hostess
Voted in 20 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Myata's” profile
Rated the contestants in 19 nominations.
View “Alexander Yagolnik's” profile
Композитор, поет, продюсер, художній керівник Театру мюзиклів VIVAEURO ім. Віктора Шулакова.
Автор мюзиклів «Агент Монро», VIVAEURO, Natasha, «Человек-Риск: Козацкая рулетка».
Gave vote in 17 nominations.
View “Yulia Bardash's” profile
Voted in 15 nominations.
View “Lavika's” profile
MOON Records
Gave vote in 14 nominations.
View “Talila's” profile
Voted in 11 nominations.
View “Anna Buraya's” profile
Gave vote in 10 nominations.
View “Sanya Dymov's” profile
Program Director dance radio station in Kiev DJFM 96,8
DJFM (96,8 FM)
Voted in 9 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Igor Kondratyuk's” profile
Ведучий, продюсер
Rated the contestants in 8 nominations.
View “Artem Mekh's” profile
Співак, участник дуету «Пара нормальних»
Gave vote in 7 nominations.
View “Aleksey Shportko's” profile
Gave vote in 5 nominations.
View “Родіон Іванов's” profile
Піаніст, композитор, джазмен
Rated the contestants in 5 nominations.

Note The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2012, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time.