The member board of the Celebrities jury includes the most famous and recognizable people of Ukraine — the stars, celebrities. They influence the formation of tastes and preferences of Ukrainians and they are the pride of the nation, role models and heroes of the younger generation. These persons reached the undoubted success in their own area of ​​activity that can adequately assess the successes and others. Such people are, without exaggeration, could be called as «experts on success», because each one of them is the successful person.

Celebrities Jury 2018 (89)
View “Альона Слюсаренко's” profile
Voted in 415 nominations.
Abstained in 22 of them.
View “Andrii Tanabash's” profile
Продюсер, актор
Gave vote in 163 nominations.
View “Vladlena Sopko's” profile
Ведуча, церемоніймейстер, викладач ораторського мистецтва
Voted in 159 nominations.
Abstained in 12 of them.
View “Illaria's” profile
Voted in 161 nominations.
Abstained in 14 of them.
View “Natanika's” profile
Singer, hostess, actress, composer, poetess
Rated the contestants in 147 nominations.
View “Katya Buzhinska's” profile
Voted in 143 nominations.
View “Ksanti's” profile
Voted in 136 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Тетяна Юрікова's” profile
Актриса, модель
Gave vote in 115 nominations.
View “Dmytro Harbuz's” profile
Співак, актор
Dмитро Гарбуз
Rated the contestants in 108 nominations.
View “Indira's” profile
Rated the contestants in 101 nominations.
View “Віолетта Козакова's” profile
Voted in 101 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Shvets's” profile
Voted in 100 nominations.
View “Olga Yunakova's” profile
Gave vote in 100 nominations.
View “Emma Di's” profile
Телеведуча, модель, актриса
Voted in 100 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Vyacheslav Solomka's” profile
Actor and TV-host
Voted in 94 nominations.
Abstained in 2 of them.
View “Virginia Singer's” profile
Rated the contestants in 82 nominations.
View “Timofey Nagorniy's” profile
Бізнесмен, меценат, громадський діяч, продюсер, організатор спортивних шоу, Президент «Фонду волонтерів України», засновник міжнародної компанії «Спорт-Сервіс»
Voted in 77 nominations.
View “Alyona Zhemchug's” profile
Gave vote in 68 nominations.
View “Marietta Ivanova's” profile
Voted in 70 nominations.
Abstained in 13 of them.
View “Volodymyr Dorosh's” profile
Gave vote in 54 nominations.
View “Anna Alisher's” profile
Rated the contestants in 51 nominations.
View “Анна Лобарева's” profile
Дизайнер детской одежды Анна Лобарева творит под именем популярного бренда детской одежды EVELINA by Lobareva
Voted in 56 nominations.
Abstained in 10 of them.
View “Natalya Kolomoyska's” profile
Кенді Суперстар – телеведуча, популярний блогер, керівник компанії Superstar corporation
Gave vote in 41 nominations.
View “Gaitana's” profile
Lavina Music
Voted in 40 nominations.
View “Nazar-Haidar Khassan's” profile
Співак, соліст гурту RIZUPS
Rated the contestants in 37 nominations.
View “Aida Nikolaychuk's” profile
Gave vote in 35 nominations.
View “Orest Borko's” profile
producer, director, actor
Gave vote in 29 nominations.
View “Maksym Malik's” profile
“Kley Ugrumogo” band
Клей Угрюмого
Voted in 28 nominations.
View “Lilia Rebryk's” profile
Актриса, телеведуча
Gave vote in 26 nominations.
View “Lily Kish's” profile
Voted in 24 nominations.
View “Євгенія Данілова (Скарлет)'s” profile
Співачка, директор вокальної школи Kievartmusic
Voted in 21 nominations.
View “Olexandr Poryadinskiy's” profile
Alexander Poryadinskiy
Gave vote in 21 nominations.
View “Yuriy Falyosa's” profile
Music producer
Voted in 20 nominations.
View “Yaroslava's” profile
Gave vote in 18 nominations.
View “Артур Адамов's” profile
Ведущий на Радио Люкс FM
Rated the contestants in 17 nominations.
View “Vlad Sytnik's” profile
Voted in 15 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Artem Mekh's” profile
Ukranian singer, musician, songwriter
Gave vote in 14 nominations.
View “Irina Shinkaruk's” profile
Заслужена артистка України, Президент та засновник Міжнародного фестивалю «Пісенний Спас» ім. Володимира Шинкарука
Voted in 14 nominations.
View “Lilia Oleynik's” profile
Засновниця лаунж-кафе здорового харчування ilive, Центру розвитку і дозвілля ilive centre, Школи Досконалості Лілії Олійник
Rated the contestants in 10 nominations.
View “Yuriy Gorbunov's” profile
Шоумен, телеведучий
Rated the contestants in 9 nominations.
View “Artem Atepalihin's” profile
Artem Atepalihin
Managing Partner, LEMAN International Law Group
Voted in 7 nominations.
View “Olena Krasko's” profile
Producer, Project Manager (Event, PR, SMM)
Rated the contestants in 5 nominations.
View “Max Nazarov's” profile
Телеведучий, журналіст
News One
Rated the contestants in 5 nominations.
View “Oleg Kushpil's” profile
Артист, фокусник, випускник Академії циркового мистецтва (м.Київ), івентор, засновник «Шоу мыльных пузырей»™, винахідник внесений до Книги рекордів України (рекорд — автомобіль у мильній бульбашці), організатор і ведучий шоу програм
Gave vote in 4 nominations.
View “Maria Vinogradova's” profile
Rated the contestants in 4 nominations.
View “Alex Zaharchuk's” profile
Voted in 4 nominations.
View “Simona Borodina's” profile
Езотерик, учасниця програми «Битва Экстрасенсів», меценат
Rated the contestants in 3 nominations.
View “Natalia Anisimova's” profile
Телеведуча, ведуча подій й заходів, актриса, модель
Rated the contestants in 2 nominations.
View “Arthur Bosso's” profile
Singer, TV-host, showman
Rated the contestants in 2 nominations.
View “Oksana Polonets's” profile
Дизайнер жіночого одягу з вишивкою. Власник бренду OKSANA POLONETS.
Voted in 2 nominations.
View “Ольга Устінова's” profile
Gave vote in 3 nominations.
View “Aurora's” profile
Voted in 1 nomination.
View “Alexander Tulinov's” profile
Музикант, композитор, акордеоніст
Gave vote in 1 nomination.
View “Irina Vengrin-Klimovich's” profile Продюсер, режисер, телеведуча, керівник телевізійного центру «Кадрики»
Gave vote in 2 nominations.

Note The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2018, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time.