By the conditions of the competition, the membership of experts committee being formed strictly in accordance with the original methodics. All experts are guarantee the qualitative and unprejudiced valuation of contest’s participants with their professionalism and the good name.

Specialists of 2016 in “Personal hygiene products” category(21)
View “Anatoliy Andreev's” profile
Дерматовенеролог, сексолог, косметолог (
Rated the contestants in 29 nominations.
View “Tatiana Aponchukova's” profile
Лікар-стоматолог реставратор. Приватна практика. (м. Київ)
Rated the contestants in 11 nominations.
View “Anna Funikova's” profile
Голова авторської академії краси «Счастье» (м. Київ)
Voted in 21 nominations.
View “Antonina Ierisheva's” profile
Сертифікований екологічний аудитор, спеціаліст з екологічних питань ТОВ «Надра інтегровані рішення»
Voted in 49 nominations.
View “Olesya Krasavtseva's” profile
Авторка блогу про моду «Стильний блог Лесіти»,
Rated the contestants in 24 nominations.
View “Volodymyr Kryvenok's” profile
Family doctor
Voted in 42 nominations.
View “Tatiana Marchenko's” profile
Makeup artist, youtuber, blogger in
Rated the contestants in 9 nominations.
View “Anastasiya Oleksiienko's” profile
Fashion blogger,
Voted in 61 nominations.
View “Liliya Pomaznaya's” profile
Cosmetical technologist
Voted in 88 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Irena Yanchuk's” profile
Інфопартнер виставок Estet Beauty Expo і InterCHARM, блогер в, б’юті-редактор порталу LuckyUkraine
Gave vote in 59 nominations.
View “Олена Лаговська's” profile
Female Coach of personal growth, an expert on family time management, website editor and site, motivational speaker, consultant Flaymama.
Rated the contestants in 5 nominations.
View “Elena Muller's” profile Автор б’юті-блогу, журналіст, модель
Rated the contestants in 13 nominations.
View “Анна Пономаренко's” profile Автор блогу, засновниця Школи краси MakeUBeauty
Voted in 60 nominations.
Abstained in 5 of them.

Note The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2016, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time.