By the conditions of the competition, the membership of experts committee being formed strictly in accordance with the original methodics. All experts are guarantee the qualitative and unprejudiced valuation of contest’s participants with their professionalism and the good name.

Specialists of 2018 in “Household chemicals” category(23)
View “Vika Barva's” profile
Stylist, personal shopper
Gave vote in 10 nominations.
View “Taras Dudar's” profile
Експерт з професійної чистоти та гігени.
Голова Національної Ради Професійної клінінгової Гільдії.
Керівник Центру Підготовки Фахівців Клінінгової Галузі.
Шеф-редактор інформаційного порталу CLEANING.UA
Voted in 40 nominations.
Abstained in 2 of them.
View “Antonina Ierisheva's” profile
Сертифікований екологічний аудитор, спеціаліст з екологічних питань ТОВ «Надра інтегровані рішення»
Rated the contestants in 49 nominations.
View “Anastasiya Oleksiienko's” profile
Fashion blogger,
Voted in 64 nominations.
View “Olga Pecharskaia's” profile
Specialist in children’s products, mother of four children and a housewife
Rated the contestants in 18 nominations.
View “Liliya Pomaznaya's” profile
Cosmetical technologist
Voted in 112 nominations.
View “Kirill Savchenko's” profile
Stylist for magazines Pink, XXL, JOY & Glory
Voted in 77 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Олена Лаговська's” profile
Female Coach of personal growth, an expert on family time management, website editor and site, motivational speaker, consultant Flaymama.
Voted in 8 nominations.
View “Жанна Решетицька's” profile
Фуд блогер, автор кулінарного блога Працючої мами
Gave vote in 22 nominations.
View “Тетяна Тимофєєва's” profile
Викладач в навчальному клінінг-центрі Тараса Дударя
Voted in 40 nominations.
Abstained in 2 of them.
View “Elena Muller's” profile Автор б’юті-блогу, журналіст, модель
Voted in 10 nominations.
View “Anna Ponomarenko's” profile Автор блогу, засновниця Школи краси MakeUBeauty
Rated the contestants in 18 nominations.
View “Elena Zhaboninskaya's” profile Шеф-кухар мережі ресторанів «23 ресторани»
Voted in 102 nominations.
Abstained in 3 of them.
View “Ірина Настевич's” profile Фешн-блогер
Voted in 48 nominations.
Abstained in 5 of them.
View “Віктор Тимчишин's” profile Шеф-кухар ресторану Guramma Italiana
Gave vote in 8 nominations.

Note The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2018, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time.