On the “Honor Board” could appear any registered user of FAVOR.com.ua, participant of public polls, who has been voted in 100 or more categories of products and services, each of them is the nomination of the Favorites of Success Award. People who appear on the Honor Board, automatically take participation in various promo-actions and prize contests from the Favorites of Success Award and its partners. The most active participants of the public poll will get free invitations to the Annual Favorites of Success Awarding Ceremony.
The Honor Board of active voters 2021 (65)

View “Kopицькa_Haтaлiя's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1234 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 2455 nominations!
Blog Records:1
Was here
View “cинтия's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1234 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 2181 nominations!
Was here
View “hm1975's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1234 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 1938 nominations!
Was here
View “nata28k's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1234 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 1462 nominations!
Was here
View “silverprom9999's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1234 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 1219 nominations!
Blog Records:337
Was here
View “Western's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 134 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 916 nominations!
Was here
View “Alexik's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1234 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 780 nominations!
Was here
View “ЛeнoЧкaЧ's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1234 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 772 nominations!
Was here
View “bravtavta's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 14 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 612 nominations!
Was here
View “numb07's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 134 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 611 nominations!
Was here
View “zharovu's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 14 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 606 nominations!
Was here
View “Ksushik's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 14 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 600 nominations!
Blog Records:1
Was here
View “Olena_Vynnyk's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1234 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 600 nominations!
Was here
View “Bиктopия_Юpьeвнa's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 14 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 600 nominations!
Was here
View “Baлeнтинa2105's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 13 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 600 nominations!
Was here
View “shemetyana_1959's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 3 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 506 nominations!
Was here
View “Masja300787's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 499 nominations!
Was here
View “La-Ra's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 134 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 447 nominations!
Was here
View “Cheremxa's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1234 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 442 nominations!
Was here
View “KTUFFH's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 134 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 375 nominations!
Was here
View “mongol's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 330 nominations!
Was here
View “Kpивopyчкo_H.A.'s” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 312 nominations!
Was here
View “id158488-Lena Kondel's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 303 nominations!
Was here
View “111qweens111's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 14 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 301 nominations!
Was here
View “Rariska18's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 23 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 300 nominations!
Was here
View “dima-x's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 300 nominations!
Was here
View “konzitka's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 13 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 300 nominations!
Was here
View “Дiд's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 300 nominations!
Was here
View “Cвiтлaнa_Cyлaєвa's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 13 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 300 nominations!
Was here
View “Irishka81's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 12 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 300 nominations!
Was here
View “ku4erava's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 300 nominations!
Was here
View “knjaz's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 234 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 277 nominations!
Was here
View “Marita's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 34 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 263 nominations!
Was here
View “Cayл_Taтьянa's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1234 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 202 nominations!
Was here
View “igore4i4ok's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 202 nominations!
Was here
View “farmasia's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 202 nominations!
Was here
View “danaleksa's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 34 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 201 nominations!
Was here
View “Tanya03's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 24 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 200 nominations!
Was here
View “id160179-Юля Коваленко's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 200 nominations!
Was here
View “Иpинa_Aлeкcaндpoвнa's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 200 nominations!
Was here
View “vol's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 200 nominations!
Was here
View “Taтьянa_Cepдюк's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 14 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 200 nominations!
Was here
View “ksywuk's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 200 nominations!
Was here
View “Haтaлiя100's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 200 nominations!
Was here
View “тaпкa's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 162 nominations!
Was here
View “vova5891's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 12 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 155 nominations!
Was here
View “alina27062005's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 3 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 154 nominations!
Was here
View “nataly_zp's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 152 nominations!
Was here
View “Inna_Sorokata's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “Sikorka's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “Natali29's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 14 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “Mapинa_Бpинзюк's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “Cвятocлaв_Miнicтp's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “Oleksandra_Kostiv's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “id166629-Олена Гончар's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “ndrukova's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “AлинaK's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 4 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “Biliaieva_Olena's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 3 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “id173003-andriana's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “Tinka1987's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “id173118-Сергій Коваленко's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “DedMoroz007's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “ksywka2008's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to his/her Favorites in 150 nominations!
Was here
View “id172987-Boris Zamureiko's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the own Favorites in 120 nominations!
Was here
View “Muroslava30's” profile
Here since
Has participated in surveys in 1 quarter of 2021, in total pointing to the personal Favorites in 118 nominations!
Was here

Note The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2021, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time.