By the conditions of the competition, the membership of experts committee being formed strictly in accordance with the original methodics. All experts are guarantee the qualitative and unprejudiced valuation of contest’s participants with their professionalism and the good name. |
sales manager | |
Gave vote in 88 nominations. |
Restaurant owner, “Centaur”, “Taron”, “Mons Pius” | |
Voted in 32 nominations. Abstained in 3 of them. |
Керівник кулінарного порталу | |
Voted in 64 nominations. Abstained in 7 of them. |
Інженер-технолог громадського харчування | |
Gave vote in 6 nominations. |
Головний редактор кулінарного порталу | |
Gave vote in 8 nominations. |
Провідний науковий співробітник НДЧ Національного университету харчових технологій | |
Rated the contestants in 72 nominations. |
Chief editor of site | |
Rated the contestants in 17 nominations. |
Редактор рубрик журналів «Эксперт вкуса» та «Кулинарные идеи», ВД «Платформа Паблисити» | |
Voted in 21 nominations. |
Chief in the «FLAT-cafe» (Kyiv) | |
Voted in 87 nominations. |
The teacher of the National Agrarian University | |
Rated the contestants in 36 nominations. |
Galina Karachintseva Спеціалістка з технологій та організації кондитерського виробництва
Voted in 84 nominations. Abstained in 7 of them. |
Адміністратор продуктового магазину з досвідом роботи понад 10 років | |
Gave vote in 5 nominations. |
PR-менеджер журналу «МагазинЪ» | |
Gave vote in 4 nominations. |
Alexandra Lapkauskene Керівник відділу розповсюдження та просування міжнародного спеціалізованого рекламно-інформаційного журналу «Галерея напитков и деликатесов» | |
Voted in 27 nominations. |
Confectioner, food stylist | |
Rated the contestants in 78 nominations. |
Лікар-стоматолог | |
Voted in 3 nominations. |
Chief-cook | |
Voted in 6 nominations. |
Повар (диплом школи Мішлєн), фіналіст проекту «Пекельна кухня» на 1+1 | |
Voted in 21 nominations. Abstained in 2 of them. |
The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2012, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time. |