The member board of the Celebrities jury includes the most famous and recognizable people of Ukraine — the stars, celebrities. They influence the formation of tastes and preferences of Ukrainians and they are the pride of the nation, role models and heroes of the younger generation. These persons reached the undoubted success in their own area of activity that can adequately assess the successes and others. Such people are, without exaggeration, could be called as «experts on success», because each one of them is the successful person. |
Співак, актор | |
Voted in 326 nominations. Abstained in 17 of them. |
Singer | |
Rated the contestants in 205 nominations. |
DJ, програмний директор «Авторадіо» | |
Gave vote in 195 nominations. |
Singer, “Favorite of Success – 2013” in the nomination of “Young talent of the year” | |
Rated the contestants in 191 nominations. |
Теле – і радіоведучий, стенд-ап артист | |
Rated the contestants in 174 nominations. |
Народний артист України, Лауреат Шевченковської премії, музикант, співак, композитор, поет | |
Gave vote in 142 nominations. |
The Ukrainian top DJ and resident of NRJ Ukraine, brand manager of radio Golos Stolici (106 FM, | |
Voted in 141 nominations. Abstained in 2 of them. |
General producer of the “Voice of Capital” radio | |
Voted in 139 nominations. |
Дизайнер одягу, модельєр | |
Voted in 125 nominations. |
Телеведуча, модель, актриса | |
Voted in 118 nominations. |
Singer | |
Voted in 116 nominations. |
Арт-оглядач, ведуча радіо Голос Столиці | |
Gave vote in 114 nominations. |
Singer | |
Voted in 114 nominations. |
Photographer, photojournalist | |
Voted in 111 nominations. Abstained in 4 of them. |
Singer | |
Gave vote in 108 nominations. |
Українська оперна діва, володарка титулу «Жінка року», Посол Миру | |
Gave vote in 105 nominations. |
Шоумен, хореограф, балетмейстер, керівник Rumberos Art-Group | |
Voted in 105 nominations. |
“Kley Ugrumogo” band | |
Voted in 104 nominations. |
Бізнесмен, меценат, громадський діяч, продюсер, організатор спортивних шоу, Президент «Фонду волонтерів України», засновник міжнародної компанії «Спорт-Сервіс» | |
Gave vote in 104 nominations. |
Співачка, екс-солістка гурту «ВІА Гра» (Дмитра Костюка), переможниця телешоу «Співай як зірка» | |
Rated the contestants in 102 nominations. |
Singer | |
Voted in 101 nominations. Abstained in 1 of them. |
Singer, “Favorite of Success – 2015” in the nomination of “Young talent of the year” | |
Voted in 100 nominations. |
SKmusic Production | |
Voted in 100 nominations. Abstained in 1 of them. |
TV-hostess of the “MTV-plus” channel, Melitopol | |
Rated the contestants in 100 nominations. |
Singer | |
Voted in 99 nominations. |
Актриса, телеведуча | |
Voted in 79 nominations. |
Телеведуча і авторка музичної телепрограми «Територія А», співачка, художниця, президент Фонду відродження культурного середовища Києва | |
Gave vote in 77 nominations. |
partner tv channel MaxxiTV | |
Voted in 80 nominations. Abstained in 16 of them. |
Singer Sasha Ray | |
Gave vote in 63 nominations. |
Продюсер групи MMDANCE, керівник продюсерського центру Feex | |
Voted in 57 nominations. |
Singer | |
Voted in 53 nominations. |
Voted in 46 nominations. |
Singer | |
Voted in 58 nominations. |
Телеведуча, психолог, Місіс Всесвіт | |
Gave vote in 45 nominations. |
Ведучий реаліті-шоу «Битва Екстрасенсів» та «Містичні історії з Павлом Костіциним» на телеканалі СТБ | |
Voted in 35 nominations. |
Співак, соліст гурту RIZUPS | |
Voted in 31 nominations. |
Singer | |
Gave vote in 29 nominations. |
Artem Atepalihin Managing Partner, LEMAN International Law Group
Rated the contestants in 28 nominations. |
Співак, лідер гурту С.К.А.Й | |
Gave vote in 28 nominations. |
Singer | |
Rated the contestants in 27 nominations. |
Actor and TV-host | |
Voted in 27 nominations. |
Керівник Адвокатського об’єднання «Солодко та партнери» | |
Rated the contestants in 28 nominations. |
Ведуча програми «Прогноз погоди» на 5 каналі | |
Voted in 22 nominations. |
Singer | |
Gave vote in 22 nominations. |
Шоумен, телеведучий | |
Gave vote in 21 nominations. |
Шоумен, продюсер, телеведучий | |
Gave vote in 21 nominations. |
Співачка, фіналістка телепроекту «Голос країни. Нова історія», представниця України на конкурсі «Євробачення – 2014». | |
Voted in 19 nominations. |
Співачка, актриса, учасниця дуету «Анна-Марія» | |
Voted in 16 nominations. |
Ukranian singer, musician, songwriter | |
Gave vote in 15 nominations. |
Singer | |
Rated the contestants in 14 nominations. |
Singer | |
Rated the contestants in 12 nominations. |
The singer, soloist of the group “COCOS” | |
Voted in 11 nominations. |
Співак | |
Rated the contestants in 10 nominations. |
Music producer | |
Gave vote in 4 nominations. |
Співак, музикант, актер, композитор | |
Rated the contestants in 4 nominations. |
Business-trainer, couch | |
Gave vote in 3 nominations. |
Singer | |
Voted in 3 nominations. |
The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2016, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time. |