By the conditions of the competition, the membership of experts committee being formed strictly in accordance with the original methodics. All experts are guarantee the qualitative and unprejudiced valuation of contest’s participants with their professionalism and the good name.

Specialists of 2020 in “Foodstuff” category(21)
View “Galina Dmitrovska's” profile
Провідний науковий співробітник НДЧ Національного университету харчових технологій
Voted in 24 nominations.
View “Sergey Mukolayovuch Gun’Ko's” profile
Associate Professor of storage, processing and standardization of plant products National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ph.D.
Rated the contestants in 65 nominations.
View “Volodymyr Nikishayev's” profile
President Ukrainian Association of Endoscopy, FD, MD
Rated the contestants in 3 nominations.
View “Anastasiya Oleksiienko's” profile
Fashion blogger,
Rated the contestants in 7 nominations.
View “Liliya Pomaznaya's” profile
Cosmetical technologist
Rated the contestants in 13 nominations.
View “Evgenyi Shevchenko's” profile
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Antistress theraipst
Rated the contestants in 8 nominations.
View “Yurii Sukhov's” profile
M.D., Ph.D., as., prof., department of infections diseases National Medical Academy – NMAPO
Gave vote in 4 nominations.
View “Vladimir Vasiliev's” profile
Лікар гастроентеролог вищої категорії, доктор медичних наук, гастроентеролог медичного центру.
Rated the contestants in 1 nomination.
View “Irena Yanchuk's” profile
Інфопартнер виставок Estet Beauty Expo і InterCHARM, блогер в, б’юті-редактор порталу LuckyUkraine
Rated the contestants in 9 nominations.
View “Михайло Шарков's” profile
Заступник виконавчого директора ГО «Союз споживачів України»
Voted in 3 nominations.
View “Ольга Шкарупа's” profile
Директор магазину One Price
Gave vote in 12 nominations.
View “Victoria Shapovalova's” profile Доктор фармацевтичних наук, професор, академік МАНЕБ, дійсний член Нью-Йоркської АН, завідуюча кафедрою медичного та фармацевтичного права, загальнои и клиничнои фармации ХМАПО
Voted in 8 nominations.
View “Катерина Толстікова's” profile Лікар-дієтолог, педіатр, сімейний діетолог, фуд-терапевт, засновник здорових батончиків SpaceBar, засновник здорових і правильних смузі SuperSmoozie, «Медичний ментор-2018» за версією
Gave vote in 2 nominations.

Note The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2020, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time.