In 2017, the contenders in “Phytotea” category has been evaluated by 11 experts-professionals:
Dmitry Arseenko
Приватна ветеринарна практика (м. Біла Церква)
Victor Doroschuk
Ветеринар, головний лікар ветеринарної клініки «Чотири лапи»
Konstantin Gordovskiy
Головний лікар клініки ветеринарної медицини «Еквус»
Olga Klimenko
Head of the project
Volodymyr Kryvenok
Family doctor
Lidia Markova
MPR Communications Group, general director
Volodymyr Nikishayev
President Ukrainian Association of Endoscopy, FD, MD
Vira Ivanivna Pyrohova
Професор, д.м.н., зав. каф. акушерства, гінекології та перинатології Львівського національного медичного університету ім. Данила Галицького
Yuliya Sinozhinskaya
Лікар-дерматолог вищої категорії, косметолог, трихолог VIP-центр клініки Laserhouse,
Vladimir Vasiliev
Лікар гастроентеролог вищої категорії, доктор медичних наук, гастроентеролог медичного центру.
Irena Yanchuk
Інфопартнер виставок Estet Beauty Expo і InterCHARM, блогер в, б’юті-редактор порталу LuckyUkraine
Formation of the Expert panel of 2024!
Organizers invite experienced specialists in different areas of the Ukrainian market of goods and services to be the Jury members.
If your professional activity allows to judge the participants in this category as specialist,
not the average consumer, and are not connected anyhow with any of the participants in the rating (so your evaluation is
completely objective and unbiased) — Welcome to Jury!
The methodology of the “Favorites of Success” Award
allows the possibility of self-registration to the commission of experts.
Voting is very simple, not requires filling of paper forms, and running completely online.
The only required characteristics of an expert is the professionalism and objectivity.
Also you may recommend the participation to your colleagues.
Please tell them about the “Favorites of Success” Award and give the following link: